Monday, January 28, 2013

Transcripts from Tyrants #8: Steven F. McLaughlin - Ammo Registration

We're coming over the hump in this ongoing series to transcribe the "lack of sacred honor" among those who supported the NY SAFE act and its champions in resisting it.  Here is part eight in this ongoing series with another video of Steven F. McLaughlin discussing the ammunition registration requirements.

Video #8: Steven F. McLaughlin - Ammo Registration

Begin Transcript

Steven F. McLaughlin:  Ammo registration.  Already hearing from local gun shop owners.  One of 'em, one of whom I've already heard from is the biggest gun shop owner in this area.  He's already said, he was on the radio today, I've already gotten word: he's not gonna comply.  He will not do these private sale, uh, background checks.  That's him.  I don't know what's going to happen across the state.  I suspect, that these men and women, that adhere to and honor the 2nd Amendment of these United States, will also choose not to comply.  

Dick's Sporting Goods may decide not to do it and they're a huge gun seller.  There may be a lot of retailers that say "We're not doing it.  We're not going to maintain the records.  We're not going to go through the background checks 'cause we disagree with them", for whatever reason, and I'm not even arguing that is right or wrong.  I'm just saying a lot of them are going to have objection to that and for 10 lousy dollars, they're just simply not going to do it.  What do we do then?  How do private sales take place if, en-masse, nothing happens.  If, if all over the state people refuse to comply with this.  What's our, what's our plan then?

Joe Lentol: Well, first of all, uh, licensed dealers may not want to participate in a gun show and that's their right.  But this bill incentivizes them to do so by allowing them to charge a fee.

Steven F. McLaughlin:  10 dollars.

Joe Lentol: And there are some licensed dealers that will want to get that fee, and they can probably get a lot of fees at a gun show.  So, so they'll be willing to participate.  As far as the, uh,  ammunition is concerned when you talked about the licensed dealers, again, I have to repeat myself: I believe that those folks are lawful citizens and they will comply with the law.

Steven F. McLaughlin:  I'm not saying they will not, I'm not saying they won't comply.  I'm just saying they may choose not to participate.  But I think you misunderstood my question.  In a private sale, as is not between family members, when I want to sell my gun to another assembly member.  Uh, that would require a NICS check.  Correct?

Joe Lentol: Right.  Just like a gun show sale.  It would be the same requirement.

Steven F. McLaughlin:  Yes. Correct.  But, we're not at a gun show.  I want to sell it.  I then need a NICS check and I cannot find a dealer, anywhere, to do it.  None of the gun shops will do it, the major retailers have decided not to do it.  It's not a gun show thing, it's just you're gonna bring a stop, virtually, to a lot of private sales that way, I think if they choose not to comply.  Not that they're flaunting the law, they're choosing to not to participate.  And we can't force them, can we?

Joe Lentol:  No.  We can't.  No...

Steven F. McLaughlin:  Is there any provision in there...

Joe Lentol:  We can't force it...

We can probably rest assured there will be, uh, voluntary compliance because there is a fee involved and I suspect there are a lot of gun dealers who are gonna want that fee.

Steven F. McLaughlin:  Ya, I don't think they're clamoring for 10 bucks, Joe.  With all the record keeping requirements that they're under right now.  They're selling guns and ammo like it's going out of style.  This 10 dollars doesn't matter to these guys. 

Joe Lentol:  I know if I was a dealer and it brings a customer into the shop that I'd wanna do that.

Steven F. McLaughlin:  We'll see.  I mean we will see what happens.  I may be wrong but it's not what I'm hearing so far.  Um...

End Transcript

Here we see an example of economic incentive in the mind of a liberal.  The belief of, you dangle a carrot of a small fee through statutory force against the populace to pay it, that these businessmen and women will throw their doors wide open and stick their money-grubbing paws out for a ten-spot with glee with all the hapless sheep the State has herded their way.


I agree with Mr. McLaughlin.  If the cost of the fee is greater than the record keeping costs, and if anyone who's been to a gun store will likely agree this is the case, it doesn't matter how many transfers they do, it will be a loss for them every time.

And a loss for the citizens of New York unable to even dispose of their property due to fee caps set in place by the State in total ignorance of economics. 

And I believe that is exactly the purpose.  To force these guys to disappears into more fee competitive states or to lock them in closets and safes, gather dust and become paperweights for their owners.  To them, a gun locked away and unsold is a gun not "on the street".

I suspect Mr. Lentol has probably never run a small business on thin margins under huge regulatory burdens like a gun shop or a marina.  Then maybe he might not be so eager to put words in their owners mouths.


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