Friday, January 18, 2013

The ABC's of Mass Shootings

I want to finish out my first week of successful blogging with a little observation I've heard and thought about.

All mass shootings have an "ABC" element to them.  The ABCs are:

Armed Resistance.  Every mass shooting ends when armed resistance of any sort, either police or private individual, interrupts the shooter's plans.  When such arrives, they invariably off themselves.  Loughner was the exception, not the rule.
Banned Guns.  All mass shooting with Giffords being the only notable exception over the years have all occurred in places where guns are banned by law (Gun Free School Zones Act) or by private declaration (private businesses posting a "No Guns Allowed" sign). 
Crazy in the Head.  Without exception, all of these shooters had some mental issues that caused them to snap and take it out on innocents.  Every.  Single.  One.  Whether undiagnosed schizophrenia, bullied loner pushed to act, the Voices of the Prophecy making them do it and so on.

So remember your ABC's when it comes to mass shootings.  Hopefully someday we'll never have to start singing the alphabet because the crazy will never get past "A" before the killing or maiming starts.

I'm enjoying this.  I've had good feelings doing this, saying things and writing about them when they come to me.

May your weekend be happy and pleasant!


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