Thursday, January 17, 2013

The "N" Word


We've been hearing a lot of that word lately.  Especially from the "British Blowhard" Piers Morgan.

He keeps asking "Why does anyone need an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine?!?".

We are so far apart on this issue he'll never understand it.  Maybe I feel I need a 30 round magazine for my AR-15 because I live in a not-so-nice neighborhood, can't afford to move and the possibility exists that a few guys might want to come into my small domicile late at night and each take a turn with me.

I'll bet there are a lot of women in India right now wishing for a community AR-15 in a glass case at the back of the bus with a loaded 30 round magazine.  I dare say such a thing would put quite the dent, in a manner of speaking, in recent trend of free-for-all gang rape that's been all the rage there lately.

A woman defended herself and her children with six shots, missed one (a better average than the police) and the guy still walked away and lived.  God help her if he had brought a friend along.

There are no fines or penalties for having rounds left in the magazine, Piers.  It doesn't matter whether you think I "need" it or not.  The last time someone "needed" something from me, they got it and didn't think much of how I felt about it at the time.

Never again. 

The next time, it'll be a smoking gun in my hand and the officers that arrive are free to count the rounds remaining.  Last time I checked, I don't get fined for having ammunition left over from a firefight.

The worst sound in the world at that moment is "click" instead of "BANG!".  Or would you prefer that a woman be found with an empty gun with a liberal-approved capacity of 10 or less (and trending downward rapidly as 10 is merely a stepping stone to a preferred value or one or none) in her cold, dead hand, panties at her ankles and strangled with her bra?

At least then you can say she was doing her part for the good of society in not being allowed the scourge of an AR-15 with a 10+ round magazine or a scary "high capacity" Glock.  She might have committed mass murder.

Piers, did you ever stop to think about your position?  If "need" is the basis for all decision-making, what are you doing here?  Do you "need" to be on CNN, a foreign national, telling another country how to live?  Do you need a nice house or car or yacht or whatever it is makes you happy?  I'm sure you have interests or hobbies.  But you don't "need" them?  What if I disapprove and begin a campaign against you? 

There are those would have given anything, anything, to have had something in their darkest moments.  I understand that need deeply and clearly.  It makes their personal need no less important than your view of the societal one.  Society merely reflects the values of the individuals.  And unlike your homeland, ours at least recognizes some needs and values lie beyond the reach of fickle, wantonly destructive and irrational emotion.  As shocking as it sounds, we do try to place the individual higher than the group. 

Given some of your interviews lately, I think you can fully appreciate the irrational nature of emotion.  Emotion only carries you so far.  And interrupting someone every second word with your machine-gun, rapid-fire browbeating as they're trying to simply answer you is not the way you engage in civil discourse.  I think perhaps you need to look at a 30 words per minute or less speech limit in order to actually have a conversation.  The dangers of rapid-fire, diatribe-laden, one-sided invective cannot be overstated.

I, and others like me, don't need to justify our choices to you.  How dare you demand an answer from us?  We don't owe you one.  This is America.  Land of the (Mostly) Free.  Free to choose whether or not to do or own something.  Not ask "Mother May I?" to our Queen, bowing and scraping at her feet for permission.  It's a philosophical divide that I can't explain to you.  You have to figure it out for yourself.

If the prospect of us owning an AR-15 terrifies you so, there are boats and planes that head back in the direction you came from.  A place that limits guns to sensible, sane, civilized values.  A place where violent crime is soaring.  Sure, they don't use guns but knives and fists do wonders too.  I'm sure you're glad to know people don't die and suffer at the hands of guns back in the UK.  After all, without gun violence, who "needs" a gun to protect themselves from other forms of violence?  I'm sure the woman about to have her sari torn off or her panties sliced off to satisfy the "need" of another against her wishes will feel better at such enlightened attitudes.

I need to throw up.


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