Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I Don't Know What You Call It But That Wasn't Democracy

Today was a pretty dark day for New York gun owners.  It seems they decided that "something had to be done" to prevent another Newtown.  After much debate and thought, they weighed the options, evaluated the impacts and passed a carefully considered law that balanced the rights of the law-abiding to minimize the possibility of another tragedy.

Oh wait...

How foolish of me to be that stupid!

So let me see if I have this straight?

  1. A bunch of lawmakers hold an emergency session in the dead of night.
  2. They negotiate a bill behind closed doors with no input or warning to the outside they were doing it.
  3. Once having crafted said bill, they convene in the dead of night to vote and pass it without any notice of hearing, publishing of proposed content or comment by those who put them in that chamber in the first place: their constituents.
  4. Only in the morning after all this is done does it go to the House chamber where the process is repeated with the sun barely to its zenith.  
  5. Law is passed and lawmakers celebrate their success.


If this is what passes for democracy, direct or the Constitutional republic type, what exactly is the point of elections?  To select who will be our landed gentry and nobleman who us serfs will be grateful for any opportunity they give us and beg them to not punish us any more than they feel we deserve?

For the first time in my life, I am truly terrified for the future of my home and country.  We just witnessed the form that American tyranny will take.  Once the election is over, assume carte blanche and do whatever you want.  We may not have King George but we have his modern equivalent: elected representative who see themselves as the anointed ones and shall rule us with the power they see fit.

Is there any redress for our grievance at this utter lack of representation?
Is there any way to reverse this sham of democracy?
Whether one tyrant or dozens, it makes no difference, the People were not heard nor their input desired or wanted.  We were rendered meaningless.  Tallies on a vote count, to then be discarded and ignored.
Is there any way to stop this from happening elsewhere?  You don't think other states aren't thinking about simply doing the same thing?

Albany was the Stamp Act of the 21st Century.  What will be its Lexington and Concord?


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